Monday, May 16, 2011

rain and rain and rain

We had a couple of hours of weak sunshine today and things tried to dry out a little.  Suppose to rain tomorrow off and on and Tuesday night and Wednesday......... I could be living in Seattle!


  1. We've got the same thing going on with no end in sight. Bad year for good weather so far.

  2. Haha, you aren't the only one. We've had simply gorgeous (okay, I'm being sarcastic) weather since Saturday, and it's supposed to continue on into this weekend D: Rain, rain, drizzle, clouds, and more rain. Last Friday it was above 70 here, and by Sunday it'd gone down to below 50.

  3. Well, misery does love company, but this is putting a crimp in my riding plans. The weather is not alone in this, I know, but I'm blaming it anyway.

  4. I guess I'd better not tell you that we actually have sun up here in Fargo for a few days. Nope, I won't tell you. ;)

  5. @ Rita, You're right, don't tell me.


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