Saturday, March 19, 2011

winter ears

It was nice and warm today with a hard wind blowing.  I stood Nina out in the wind, stayed upwind myself and curried and curried.  Even with the wind blowing we were soon suffocating in a cloud of horse hair.  Huge handful of hair were coming off from everywhere.  Everywhere except for one place.  Her ears and neck.  Her ears look like little bear ears, covered with lot of fur.  What is worse is the upper part of her neck.  That hair is so long and so old that it is nearly bleached out to blond, but is it coming out?  Nope, securely fastened, every hair. 
I am telling myself that the winter coat all over her body is getting thinner, if it's not - I don't want to hear about it, I am happy in my delusion that I am making progress. 
But those ears.......


  1. we did the same thing last weekend. Sending hair ball down wind. The paints (Lucky & Merlin) are ready to give up thier hair, but the warmblood (Monaco) wants to hold onto his a little longer - maybe the warmbloods like it hotter?? -Amy

  2. No sunscreen, bug spray of lip balm until after grooming! ;)

  3. I love her bear ears :) I've always found fuzzy ears cute, but I just like fuzziness in general. That said, I do prefer it on somebody else's horse, not my own

  4. I learn things from your blog. I had no idea that horses shed to that extent in the spring. No wonder they stay so warm in the winter! ;)

  5. My guy has bear ears. I just love them! :-) I saw three boarders using a Furminator on their horses today to help get rid of dead hair. Might be worth a try??

  6. No Furminator. Next year I may shave her in March. This year we will muddle through. We aren't going anywhere anytime soon.


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