Tuesday, February 1, 2011

made it to the barn

I left for the barn around 1pm.  Tons of sand, mag chloride, a little bit of sunshine and high altitude combined to make the roads MUCH better than they were this morning.  Very little traffic helped too, in fact the roads were almost empty.  I stopped and got some HEET for the gas tank.  I had a fuel line freeze one time in sub zero weather and it was not fun.  And I noticed the car temperature display doesn't go below zero.  It zoomed from 34 (in the garage) to zero in nothing flat and then started flashing and stayed there.  That's ok, little Nissan, I don't think the temps should go below that either.

Nina was fine, warm under her rugs, happy to see me (and the beet pulp) I stayed and chatted with her as long as I could, she wandered back and forth between the feed and me.  When it got too cold and my fingers were numb I left.  Feet stayed warm, I LOVE these new winter Ariats, they really work.
Driving home the temps were dropping again and the roads were getting slicker but still moving along except for the one moron who managed to spin out, jump the curb and mow down a fence.  It looked like he might have been going fast enough to manage that on dry pavement.
It is supposed to get even colder tonight, but at least I am not stressing about Nina, she is fine and there was hay littered around her run, so she is getting plenty to eat.
Tomorrow we are looking at a high of 10, wow!
If you are in the path of this thing, be prepared.


  1. Awww! Sounds like Nina was so happy to see you! Glad you have warm boots and that you got home before the roads were glare ice again. My goodness! Stay warm. :)

  2. Good to know about the Ariat boots. Are they okay for riding in? My feet get cold so easily :(

  3. Carol, yes they are fine for riding, not bulky like some. I think they are the Brossard. They have Thinsulate lining. I had some Mt Horse a few years ago that were really warm but they would hang up in the stirrup iron, scary. These don't and they are SO warm. My feet would get so cold they would hurt to walk. Best thing I have bought in a long time.

  4. Glad you were able to see Nina before you're socked in - stay safe!!

  5. Wow, you're really making me excited aobut tomorrow. I'm stuck between hoping for lots of snow and canceled classes, and hoping for no snow and clear roads out to the barn. I guess we'll wait and see! At least snow means warmer temps (for the most part) I hate this sub zero stuff, Celsius of Fahrenheit.


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