Tuesday, January 25, 2011

substitute reading for riding

Ever get the idea that some cosmic force is just screwing with you?
For the last few weeks I have watched the clouds roll in and the temps drop as I drive from a part time job to the barn.  So when the owner at my job asked me if I could come in earlier I was glad to agree.  Now I could get to the barn before the bad weather hit every day. 
So today I am at the barn 2 hours earlier than usual.  It is cold, cloudy and a little windy.  Nina is full of herself so I decide to lunge her before riding.  By the time she quit spooking and bucking she was sweaty and I was frozen (except for my feet in their yummy new winter boots) with numb fingers.  I threw a cooler over Nina and walked her until she was ready to blanket and feed.  Now I am thoroughly cold.  BUT..... by the time I feed her, lock my stuff up, get in the car and pull out of the driveway.... the wind stops and the sun comes out.  I look at my watch, it's just about the time I would have been getting to the barn before my schedule change.  ha ha, very funny. 

So.  I have a copy of Conditioning the Performance Horse by Hilary Clayton and I think I will just read about conditioning and quit trying to actually do it while on a horse. 
This looks like a great book, I'm starting it tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Murphy's Law, right?
    Hope it's an informative book. :)


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