Saturday, April 21, 2012

hunter schooling show

In our third - or was it the fourth? - attempt to get a client to her first over fences show since she was a child and her horse to his first over fences show ever - we finally made it!
We had a plan, we stuck to it, she rode great, the horse got more confident with every course and it was a good day!
Unfortunately, no pics.  I find it hard to coach and take pics at the same time but another trainer from the barn was there and I didn't think to give him the camera. 
I also got to visit with people that I haven't seen since Scotty died, traded gossip, admired new horses and had a fun day. 
I think I need to get out more! 
And get out to the show barns, not the open shows that are from a different planet.  I had forgotten how encouraging the hunter people are around here.  My client had a refusal at a fence and had to stuff him over it, it was ugly but she got it done and got a cheer from the other riders. 
Good Saturday.

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